
It is rumored that all non fuel cell vehicles and vehicles that are not totally Regenerative will be outlawed by 2026.

Toyota™ Racing.

On my next automotive car buying experience, I may buy a Toyota Hybrid that I think is a really good, excellent long term deal. I might buy an ID 4 or ID5 if the price is competitive for a used vehicle. I have enjoyed both products as car rentals. If its about regenerative zero refueling technology, then VOLKSWAGEN is the leader right now with the ID series of vehicles but they may still be behind its competitors with market share as maybe refuelling is like a bad habit; like smoking. The day is now upon us that even regular large ocean going vessels are now all powered by fuel cells with electric generators.l since is just pointless next to the clean certainty of electric generators as powered by fuel cells. Ocean water quality cannot wait. It's just that Toyota and others saw very early in the late '90s that any step forward in regenerative vehicle technology that saves customers money while not upsetting the refueling habits was essential to moves forward in vehicle mobility in the same way the fuel injector was essential in the 1930's yet the Americans resisted. They tend to resist as late arriving Aboriginals( arriving late to the existing known world of established concepts and technological conventions. The injector saved fuel and also was more reliable than the carburetors on road inclines where carburetors tended to shut off. The real answer about technology that saves fuel or that is less pollutive is that it has to be used immediately once it is safe for regular market use. There Could be competing steps forward and this may be the first time in history that there are so many different options in terms of vehicle power plant. We may have to adjust quickly our habits as consumers and move forward. As such, a vehicle that is as fuel efficient as the operation as a "wind up" toy is ideal and then maybe we let go of the dual economy in Vehicle culture that involves Vehicle and fuel. Instead, we will get a vehicle and the gas stations will sell food, candy and water. They make more money on food, coffee and water now anyway since the cost of producing liquid fuel outweighs the profit earned. It looks like Volkswagen has hit the chord for the ubiquitous and is the leader one more time in vehicle design. The Mirai looks genius in silver. Warren 's next vehicle will be a Toyota hybrid. VOLKSWAGEN IS NOT MAKING ENOUGH HYBRID OR Pollution FREE VEHICLES. THE Volkswagen ID series is totally Regenerative but people don't seem to know this. It may carry the lowest environmental foot print in the market; the Volkswagen ID 3,4 and 5. The electric hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle is certainly with us and here to stay. It is the smarter electric vehicle with recharging or refueling that takes seconds. It has a smaller environmental footprint than the plugin rechargeable vehicles with those tremendous, big cadmium batteries. It is rumored that a Tesla type model will be coming soon. The question is not whether either vehicle or design type is electric. They are both essentially electric but the fuel cell is more convenient for the customer and carries a near zero environmental foot print as the only exhaust is cool water vapor. The materials are recyclable.

Auto Work™; This photo is available for sale at $300.00.